David Korten approached Interlock Solutions at a point when his current site, built on the Drupal platform, was in danger of no longer being supported. In addition to needing an updated, more flexible platform to manage the site, we consulted with David on the possibility of a better way to disseminate the large quantity of content (both new and archival) contained on David’s website and facilitate ease of access to this content through an improved user experience.
We worked with David to successfully migrate his large volume of content over to a WordPress content management system and re-categorize the content to use the rich functionality that WordPress offers to organize content by categories and tags. This more easily enables readers to “drill down” on similar content, discover content they didn’t even know they were looking for, and access the wealth and breadth of information that David has available on his site.
As WordPress is an entirely different backend interface than Drupal, training was required to get David and team up and running on managing their own site. We appreciate our ongoing relationship with them to meld the old content with the new, while maintaining the fresh look and advanced usability of the site moving forward.